It was a great invitation but an even greater rejection

1 And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, 2“The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son, 3 and sent his servantsa to call those who were invited to the wedding feast, but they would not come. 4 Again he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast.”’ 5 But they paid no attention and went off, one to his farm, another to his business, 6 while the rest seized his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them. 7 The king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. 8 Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not worthy. 9 Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.’ 10 And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests.

11“But when the king came in to look at the guests, he saw there a man who had no wedding garment. 12 And he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. 13 Then the king said to the attendants, ‘Bind him hand and foot and cast him into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 14 For many are called, but few are chosen

Christ has invited the world, and yet the world will not accept him because they have accepted their own way and can not attend his great banquet  while they attend their own so they pick the world’s direction and celebration not understanding that their direction leads to Hell.

We have even less time today than we did yesterday to repent of our sins and turn to his way over our own. Yes, It will be met with hatred. YESHUA is LORD(Yehovah)…not a mere teacher. He is the Son of God, and He is God manifested in the Flesh, and only he has eternal life to grant all those who confess him. There is no greater or more important truth than this, and it must be shown, confessed, and taught to all who would listen. All who would attend the great banquet hall of Yahweh and his Christ because they both called and worshiped as God over all creation. Please don’t waste your chance to refocus your life to Yahweh

All he has been given…he will lose nothing.

This is a familiar scripture most read and a lot of us miss the key points. This should be a quick biblical lesson here.

• All means All..Never mean Never

This is the first lesson. This scripture literally says that All that has been given to Christ, meaning those who the Father calls to him(no man can truly come to Christ on his or her own. They have to be called by the Father John 6:44). Christ will Never lose any of them. The keywords in this scripture is ALL and Never. Without dispute if you are truly call to Christ by the Father, you’re end result, no matter how slow, or how many setbacks you have, you will eventually end up only in one place…raised to internal life in christ which mean eternal life . And by no means will the result ever end up differently. How successful you lead your life will result in your rewards in the new kingdom.

This is absolutely great news for those of us who are truly called to Christ by his Father. Those of us that come out of a pure need to seek him and out of repentance through his only Begotten. We will never by any mean end up separated from his Son or our eventual raising into eternal life with God.

This does mean those that those people of the world who seek not after repentance of sin and come to God out of other movitives or preaching added directions or ways other than what is preached by his Word. No…those are not included in this promise.

• Raised on the Last Day

The last piece to this scripture again, proves correct doctrine over false doctrine. Christ without a doubt gives us the exact day of the rising from the dead. “ON THE LAST DAY” is when …the last day of earth’s existence as we know it before he remakes it. It is here that we have indisputable proof that we do not immediately go to heaven or “New Jerusalem” as soon as we die. All the claims about people dying and waking up in heaven or hell on YouTube are not true. For starters, the Hell of fire and brimstone that we typically associate with Hell isn’t even formed yet. That Hell comes long after the star falls from heaven and Satan is thrown in for 1000 years.

Secondly, as shown in scripture..Christ calls the state of the dead person …a state of rest or sleep. He didn’t call Lazarus from heaven. He called him from the grave and from his sleep. So understand your family members don’t become angels and get the ability to move things from the grave or to talk to you or talk to God for you. If you experience this, you should know that it’s a familiar demon spirit to memic your love ones to influence you to listen to them or to pray to them. Knowing the truth will stop people from being fooled. Understanding that people don’t get powers or become angels will stop you from being tricked by Satan’s kingdom of deception.

One of the biggest lies pushed by media : Peace with the world and Christ followers is possible.

Look at the world, and there is one thing very clear. They have been given a chance after chances, and they clearly reject Christ. With everything they breathe and in every place, they place their hands to… they only curse and mock the only true God. Even at our best atrempts to help advance humanity, we find ways to create idols. There is nothing the church has left to do than to understand where our energy is needed, and it’s not to continue to convince people who already know and willingly curse his very name to turn from their ways.

Lust and blasphemy are the king sins, and they rule the world. Perversion of God’s very nature and the nature of his creation only grows more and more deadly. Schools and false science that rule the tv and media with false concepts of gender swooping and their attempts to force their sick mental illness upon all the world is only growing more powerful. Laws being established are putting more of us at harm reach for standing up to this, and all of the children of God that still stand on truth are being killed, silenced, and / or thrown in prison. Even watered down attempts to give the image of acceptble Christ are designed to misinform and mislead millions to believe that you can do what you want and still find approval with Christ, skipping over the very commandment to “Sin no More” the Son gave over and over. Yes, it’s difficult, but we can’t give in to a habitual sin led life even if we live in flesh and inside Satan’s worlds system. We have to come away from it.

People all over the U.S. know about Christ. It’s time to help those outside the U.S. know about him. Those who haven’t had billions of churches they past everyday, billions of bibles they step on everyday, billions of websites about Christ they have access to through the cellphone, they have all had their chances and they don’t want him or at least the true version of him in scripture. All they want is to be their own god and / or create their own rules for their god to hold them to. We have to remember peace isn’t an option amongst the sinner vs. Christ Church. Christ came to divide and sever his church from those who are not it, even if it meant it was your own mother or father. So, our attempts to avoid this outcome are useless. There is no middle ground with the world vs. Christ, and no, neither Christ nor his Father ever taught us to love nor accept the ways of this world.

He told us to turn from the world even if it led to you turning from the very same people within your household. Most people don’t want to hear this because they seek a way to make everyone happy and at peace because of other false religions beliefs that have found its way into the mainstream media. Don’t let commercials or media mix this up with the message of Christ. Christ taught forgiveness through REPENTANCE AND  division from the world and sin. Never forget this, no matter how many commercials show something different and compromise to help others sleep better. We can’t change or modify because the world doesn’t like it. Yes, all have sinned and yes, all fall short, but the difference is that some of believe we can skip over the requirements of obedience, repentance, and turning away from sin and others believe they can define what they want to leave behind and still come through the eye of needle.

A Time of trouble

It is so vital that we remember all, not some, but all of our strengths fades as we try to wrestle on our own accord. As we fight we weary. It is only the strength of the Lord in our life that truly succeeds to renew and sustain. We try so hard to fight our battles ourselves or to fix everything that is broken in our lives and in others. The problem is that we aren’t God. We try to mimic his strength, his fortitude, and goodness but we fail at it. We have to learn to stop leaning on our own understanding and our carnal minds and ways to handle each situation. When we don’t lean on God and seek his will for our situation we fail or make things worse. Worse yet we show our pride by assuming “we” have to fix things becoming our own god instead of allowing the True God to give his will and direction. He will do what he promises. He will deliver us from our troubles in one way or another. Just hold trust in this.