All he has been given…he will lose nothing.

This is a familiar scripture most read and a lot of us miss the key points. This should be a quick biblical lesson here.

• All means All..Never mean Never

This is the first lesson. This scripture literally says that All that has been given to Christ, meaning those who the Father calls to him(no man can truly come to Christ on his or her own. They have to be called by the Father John 6:44). Christ will Never lose any of them. The keywords in this scripture is ALL and Never. Without dispute if you are truly call to Christ by the Father, you’re end result, no matter how slow, or how many setbacks you have, you will eventually end up only in one place…raised to internal life in christ which mean eternal life . And by no means will the result ever end up differently. How successful you lead your life will result in your rewards in the new kingdom.

This is absolutely great news for those of us who are truly called to Christ by his Father. Those of us that come out of a pure need to seek him and out of repentance through his only Begotten. We will never by any mean end up separated from his Son or our eventual raising into eternal life with God.

This does mean those that those people of the world who seek not after repentance of sin and come to God out of other movitives or preaching added directions or ways other than what is preached by his Word. No…those are not included in this promise.

• Raised on the Last Day

The last piece to this scripture again, proves correct doctrine over false doctrine. Christ without a doubt gives us the exact day of the rising from the dead. “ON THE LAST DAY” is when …the last day of earth’s existence as we know it before he remakes it. It is here that we have indisputable proof that we do not immediately go to heaven or “New Jerusalem” as soon as we die. All the claims about people dying and waking up in heaven or hell on YouTube are not true. For starters, the Hell of fire and brimstone that we typically associate with Hell isn’t even formed yet. That Hell comes long after the star falls from heaven and Satan is thrown in for 1000 years.

Secondly, as shown in scripture..Christ calls the state of the dead person …a state of rest or sleep. He didn’t call Lazarus from heaven. He called him from the grave and from his sleep. So understand your family members don’t become angels and get the ability to move things from the grave or to talk to you or talk to God for you. If you experience this, you should know that it’s a familiar demon spirit to memic your love ones to influence you to listen to them or to pray to them. Knowing the truth will stop people from being fooled. Understanding that people don’t get powers or become angels will stop you from being tricked by Satan’s kingdom of deception.

Train a child, yes …don’t force your direction on them!

Mankind, the selfish creatures we are by nature, always think about ourselves, even when we don’t realize it. Even at our best attempts, sooner or later, underneath all the talk, it ultimately comes down to what we gain from something or what we want to avoid feeling about a certain situation ourselves more than what it is for another. We do this with our own kids at times. Too many of us throw our kids into all sorts of events, sports, and the like. Not because the kids are asking for it but because they want them to have it because it makes them feel good giving it or they are trying to overcorrect something they felt they missed in their lives. Now fast forward today and they are trying to push it on their kids as if their kids won’t be complete without it, when all along it was about what they missed out on more than what their kids are actually seeking.

I even learned that at a very early stage of my family when my son, after getting tons of toys, ended up playing with one simple little $5 Lego piece the whole week and never touched another gift “I wanted” for him. I learned then that My Son is an individual with his own needs, not mine. He had his own way of thinking …not mine. He had his own personal dislikes and likes, not mine. Yes, training was needed to teach him the path of being a Man or a Follower of Christ. But the other stuff needed to be revisited in a different mindset. Now don’t get me wrong …some kids can be exposed to something and have a natural talent and drive to do certain things and it’s their own desire and it is there where you as a parent must support them but trust me it can be hard to separate these events. I’m in wow mode when I see some of the talents the children in my family can do. Nonetheless, we still have to make sure things that were really our thing, stay with us and not place it on them because we want to live through them. They have their own destiny and it shouldn’t be forced on them simply because our lives missed it and we assume that they are supposed to love it and want it just like us. God doesn’t do this to us. He’s a great parent example. He adds the things of your own heart to your life so long as you are following after him first. He gives you the choice to decide the direction of your life, Blessings or Curses. He will never force you to be blessed. Who you are in your heart and what you will do to honor God are what he sees and then determines how much he will or won’t do. But again …its still only because of our choices( even if it’s future choices we have yet to make) that he will or won’t do something.

Just like God did with Esau and Jacob. Long before they even took their first breath…God already knew them because he is the “Eternal NOW”. Every moment to God is “NOW” while with man it’s the future, past, or present. God can see the movie played out all the way til the end before the beginning Trailers start. But understand this important fact, for God, seeing the movie’s end doesn’t mean he made the ending for your life, your choices did that…he just saw it before you did and now knows who and what you are and will do with every choice and judges you accordingly. But because we aren’t God, we have to allow our children’s movie to play out and we have to support them as we allow them their own starting role in it. We give the tools, we instruct them always in the following of Christ and Adulthood but ultimately it is their choices that will determine their future with God and their future in life on this Earth.

The need to Control is the DNA of Sin.

Control has always been the biggest thing that has led to sin in all of existence. Yes, I said “in all of existence” because I am not talking just about humanity. The Angel’s first sin came from a source of control or lack thereof. Yes, even Eve’s sin was based on trying to gain control and even the first Heavenly war was based on control. You see, as creatures of God, we share an inherited power of creation and control in small amounts. It is what links us to God, who is the ultimate creator and having parts of himself inside us all (Angels and Humans), we have traces of that in our makeup. Angels were tools God used to bring about great order and destruction throughout time, even before the existence of Adam. Man can create life.

Angles especially have a harder time with this because unlike Men..they still live on both the spirit and physical plains at any giving moment. Everything is governed by the angels as the tools of God. They hold back winds, they establish gravity, they maintain the spin of the earth and movement of our universe. Every star born, every planet made, and every black hole seen is a result of God’s power in which he places angles over to bring to govern. Even our very storms, volcanoes, or Tornadoes on earth are results of spiritual forces either battling or sometimes moving to cast judgment at God’s will. What man tries to claim as nature, isn’t. The term “acts of nature” or that’s just “Mother Nature” is just a clever way and Paganism way of removing Yahweh from the equation. There is no “Mother Nature” there is no “Mother of God”, despite the Catholic need to substitute their goddess, Aphrodite.

See the Face of an angel

There are so many things that are going on behind everything that you see in life and not just on earth. Even the bible tries to warn us over and over again about the different types of bodies…(“1 Corinthians 15:40, KJV: “There are also celestial bodies.) and again of the true war in Ephesian 6:12 ..(Young’s Literal Translation “because we have not the wrestling with blood and flesh, but with the principalities, with the authorities, with the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, with the spiritual things of the evil in the heavenly places“). All of these scriptures and others found in the Old Testament warn us all that the nature of our war is not just found on earth but in the celestial places in our universe. Unfortunately, man has a tendency to name and corrupt everything that we touch, and that which is known as God is transferred into something that takes peoples heart away from Him and places it on the creature of our own making(Romans 1:25 ..because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever..).

Now it’s just UFOs or Aliens. Every Christ-follower is under attack especially those of us that teach or have any influence over other members of the body. This is and always was a war that is fought in the spiritual places first and when that war is won, we as physical beings see the aftermath in our physical dimension and never see the true source. What Christ called a demon, man excuses away as just a sickness, split personality, or even Tourette Syndrome. They rename to explain away and take away from the idea that they can’t control something being ran and manipulated by things they can’t identify and that makes them fear that they have no control of. So God nor the spiritual world can’t exist …it’s just Science. And the only thing that Science has proven is that the previous generation of science belief was wrong, and the only thing they proved prior was that the ones prior to them were wrong. Over and over again the only thing consistent about science is that it’s always proven wrong by the next group of people that have a need to feel that they know better. All the while, God’s word proves correct over and over again. This is what they won’t accept as a whole or teach in the classes. Why? Because if He exists then we don’t control things nor have the ability to understand them. And it is there where they fight to keep their illusions of control. But based on the Bible we see where this comes from and know that this type of mindset will only get worse. The world has already started their campaign to desensitize you when it comes to sins and in the mix, they have created shows that have little by little twisted everything that is ironically connected to any imagery of the Church or God into either a cult, person, or force that is evil on the shows and the champions or good people are the one’s that want to continue to sin and stand against those people that judge their actions as wrong.

Now, all you have to do is say the terms “LOVE” or use “Phobia” in a way to try and shame others that stand against what is unnatural and declared by God as wrong, and then you then can justify the need to go after them, they jobs, or their status in society because they won’t simply agree to say that there is nothing wrong with their ways even though the bible and God say otherwise. They have rebelled against God as the Angels did. They stand against God’s order he created Man and Women for, claiming that they wouldn’t want to go to heaven with a God that judges them for “loving” when all they are doing is using the term “Love” as the hippies did in the 60’s to give themselves excuses to do what they wanted. They have convinced themselves that what they want is more important than what God wants because they have a need to CONTROL, ironically being out of control.