What is Salvation?

We have so many ways to describe Salvation based on our own interpretation and even denominations. Some describe it at the cost of their own beliefs sometimes and yet a great many have no understanding of it and don’t try. Could I say that salvation is the saving of a sinner from the consequences of sin through the Grace of Christ and his Father? Sure but it doesn’t really fully describe it for all people. Could I say that it is a gift not earned by works? Sure but that doesn’t really handle all aspects of salvation. Could say it’s being set apart? Sure but again that doesn’t really answer it fully in all eyes. I could even say it’s simply Yeshua and those who seek him and accept his work on Calvary will gain it? Again, sure.. but that doesn’t really answer all questions still.

The problem there is no one verse that says clearly “This is what Salvation should be explained as”. We all take the verses to come to an understanding by a process of gathering different points of reference back to Christ and what the Old Testament covenant was vs the new and come to different facts. What we all know for sure is that Christ is the Catalyst. His work and sacrifice is the beginning and end for it and through Gods Grace, it lays out our foundations for salvation. So why is there so many people on different sides of the table about what is needed? Because mankind needs to feel relevant.

Over 1000 years ago man went through a surge push of intellectual hierarchy even greater than it was during the time of pharisees of Christ day. This push was spawned by continued Roman movement during that time and pagan philosophy. There was this great need for being the smartest person in the room, sorta speak. Murders and burnings took place to gain views that other men were told not to challenge that had nothing to do with Christ nor his gospel and out of it all came the worse thing that could have happened to the Christians… the birth of denominations. Or what I like the call it… the race to claim salvation through who was closer to explaining an infinite God from a finite mind.

Salvation became an entry to club and the only way to get it, was not through Only Grace and Faith in Christ as the Son of the living God and Lord but now you must recite these manmade concepts about the philosophy about how God was made up, the nature of Christ spirit , what a spirit was vs a soul, how the Christ came to be , how he separated himself from his Father, if he ever separated himself from the Father, how he was equal, or how he wasn’t, etc, etc ,etc. Everything from the age of Mary (the need to create a idol of her)to the image of Christ and what the cross or stake looked like that he hung on. None of any of this ever had any control or say over salvation and yet mankind made it this way at the threat of death for so long that even today we stand on ceremony with this concepts and practices. We curse the ground of those who would dare say or change any “Made up concept” by men as if it was required by God himself, and none of it was ever asked of any man during Christ walk on earth nor any disciple before all died. Not one single time was man required to philosophically explain the nature of God and what took place in heaven before time began or any of the million concepts man came up with in their attempts to explain God. Not even on the day of pentecost were these things ask by God to grant salvation nor his Holy Spirit.

So instead of telling you what Salvation is. I can tell you what it isn’t. It isn’t based on a single manmade concept(denominations) created 100’s of years after the Bible was completed and people were already saved and died long before anyone ever said the word “denomination”. And Salvation most definitely didn’t go on vacation until some person recently rediscovered it, claiming that now they are the true people of God and those not of them, aren’t because they found out something about God that others didn’t know. And as soon as mankind can ever come to this conclusions can we finally push way the fog to clearly see that Christ was all we needed, the author and finisher or Faith. It’s not about which philosophy is closest to explaining God. It’s not a contest of who is closest to the answer wins. Nobody has the right explanation no matter who you are because we are finite. Only the infinite can explain the infinite. This is why Christ was needed. Let your salvation begin and end with him and him alone.

Does God Truly come first in our life? The answer, if we are honest with ourselves, might shock you.

If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:26

Christ gives a very shocking but true imagery in this verse. He makes it very clear that nothing can mean more to you than God. And even today we fail to truly grasp the understanding and full weight of what that means.

God’s word Alone is solely Right! Even when His words stands against our addictions, traditions, political beliefs, social structures, ethnicity/culture actions, and yes even if it stands against our own man made denominations(which God never ordained)! If you aren’t prepared to turn from ANY direction if Gods word aligns itself counter to those directions, then you aren’t honestly following him, you are following man or the world and placing them over God.

Too many of us treat God’s word as optional. If it doesn’t make me look bad, if my family likes the direction, if it fits my schedule, if it aligns with my voters right and political party, or if it fits my churches denominations, then it’s fine. But the moment it mentions something that makes you see that your tradition beliefs, denominational beliefs, social beliefs , or any other things is wrong, you want to throw it out or seek a way to put it in a box away from you because it upsets your life’s balance.

We have to stand on his word as ONLY True source for our lives even over our addictions, culture, traditions, and habits. If you’re addicted to cigarettes, we should acknowledge our addiction and seek repentance but in the meantime, never justify it to make ourselves sleep better at night. If the word of God hypothetically, says your very name is evil, don’t justify it because it’s your personal name given by your parents, change it! Stand on God as the Only source of truth and stop making him an optional direction that must align with mankind and or the world’s concepts. God created the world… the world didn’t create God.

Great teaching even for our modern times!

We again visit a random pastor or teacher this week.

Reminder : Our attempt is to gain perspective from examples of teachings that are sound, not to promote his denomination or him as a person, but only the living word of God being taught in this moment!

Christendom isn’t Jesus

In these times of continued murdering and killing across the world, I feel it’s a very important thing that we make sure that remind ourselves and others that Christendom isn’t Christ. You see, many people in the world today are influenced not by the truth, but by tradition and tv. We repeat words and opinions based on nothing more than assumptions or continued concepts seen on tv or even through actions from our own churches or family. But just because these actions or thoughts exist doesn’t mean that they have a foundation in Christ.

So what is the book definition difference between Christendom and Christianity?

In laymen’s terms, Christendom is the very habit or culture created by the Roman Catholic Church (especially in Nicaea) in which they used to enslave, control, and kill in the name of Christ. This culture included burnings of any person, group, or denomination that didn’t obey their personal theories they created about God and the Church. These same beliefs they got from pagan philosophers that they believed had more respected education and so they took on their knowledge and concepts and mixed them into their belief about God. They used their influence throughout the world to force others into their mixed views and kill in the name of the church or concurred in the name of their Church. They did it so systematically that even now today, the world and tv views Christ followers in the same light as Christendom.

However it is important for us to remember that Christ isn’t Christendom nor is he the Catholic Church. In fact there is scripture that dealt with a similar situation that reveals that many people will say “Lord, Lord have we not done many works in your name”… just like Christendom…and Christ has a response for them….

On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’23And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. Matt 7:21-23

You see in the movies Catholic are betrayed as the one that cast out Demons as if they are the only ones who can. They are shown as the ones that represented Christ in the world just like the ones found in Matthew. And yet we see the outcome. We see the false worship of angels and men that the Bible warns us of. We see the outright worship and direct blasphemy of their attempt to make Mary into a god and to worship her as though she has powers and yet the Bible warns us of this, even their own Catholic Bible and yet they boldly stand in defiance of it, knowing full well what it says and they refuses to repent(I’ve had multiple priest and catholic worshipers directly confirm this with pride). They don’t care what the Bible says, they will not stop because they think that they have the right to do it because they claim to Love God.

So when you take on this understanding about who they are and what they stand for and place this up against other denominations, you clearly see what we call Christianity isn’t their Christendom and yet the world and many other people assume we are all the same but we are not. Christ didn’t care about any governments or political parties. He remained separate from this and gave us this example for us to follow. We just have to learn to see the world and its ways through the eyes of Christ and let go of our pride to want to be involved in the chaos of this world and its governments. We need more focus on the Kingdom of God not the Kingdom of Men. In this direction will we find the true Christianity or Christ Followers.