When we have no strength left…Only then will we see His!

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
Psalm 73:26

Pain is so ever present in all of our lives. We go through seasons of it and yet we still gain seasons of happiness in our lives if we stop to pay attention to those moments. Yes those moments of pain seem to last longer than the ones of happiness for some of us but God is there still. We suffer when things don’t go our way. We suffer when we are done wrong. We suffer when things or people are taking from our lives. We suffer in our illnesses …in our body aging and yet God is still there. Now you can ask how do we know this? Well the fact that you are reading this now proves it. Most, if not all of us, can relate to pain that pushes us past what we do not have the strength to come back from, or so we felt at that time. I’m here to tell you that you are not wrong. That pain and that kind of suffering exist. But I am also here to confirm to you that IF NOT FOR HIS GRACE..his powerful renewed grace each morning most of us would not make it to the next day. I speak from experience. I know what it’s like to feel like your heart is going to split because of the pain your feel physically and or emotionally. You feel like there is no way you can take one more bad thing and then that one more bad thing does come but somehow, just somehow, the strength not of yours is seen because it’s His. Given you just enough to put one more footstep in front …one more mile unto the next arises and you’re left wondering how in the world you even woke with the pain you had just hours ago. But you did wake. Not with strength for the year…not with strength for the month or even the strength for the week. You woke with just enough strength for the moment …for the next breath…for the next step. You now see that this strength was not of your own but from a source not of your own…His Holy Spirit’s grace had given you just enough. This is the miracle…when I should have died, I am yet still alive for one more moment. When I should have lost my mind..I am yet aware of all that is around me…when I shouldn’t be able to move …yet I am able to. It is there where you find God. It is there where he gives you new mercy and new grace. It fuels your body and spirit. It renews your mind for the next step. And then one day, one season perhaps…. your strength returns. Perhaps the sun is shining again and your season of pain pulls back into the background and you can breath again, think again, walk again and live again. But know even that is only possible because his grace carried you through to this moment and season. Are you paying attention to this moment and season?? And on that day and in that season don’t forget to live for him, help others, and always remember that when you thought nothing was left inside….he gave you his strength and grace so do the same for others and remind them of your road so that one day they might look to him in their worst times and find that same Grace and strength to keep going for one more moment.

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